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7 Strategies to Stop Paralyzing Procrastination

Copy of You’re Not Wonder Woman

It’s coming!! And there is nothing we can do to stop it, avoid it, postpone it, or deny it…it’s the dreaded tax day. The only silver lining is that this year we get three extra days to procrastinate, and our new deadline is now April 18.

Whether it’s filing your taxes, making an uncomfortable phone call, scheduling your next dentist appointment, finishing a homework assignment, writing a client report, folding a load of laundry, or sending a thank you note after an interview, we all have those tasks that cause us to procrastinate until the very last minute. I am just as guilty, especially when it comes to the dentist. It can be a very and frustrating and painful process, and hopefully doesn’t happen too often. But what happens if this is how you function every day, with every task, and in every situation?

Throughout the years, I have had more clients than I can count who struggle with paralyzing procrastination. For some people, they need to feel that adrenaline rush of potentially disappointing a client in order to finally complete a project, or experience the severe consequences of not being able to pay a mortgage before they finally look for a job. Yes, this type of fear-based motivation can be effective, but it’s incredibly stressful, and it doesn’t always bring out your best self or your best work.

Here are 7 Strategies to Stop Paralyzing Procrastination that are a lot more positive, easy to implement, and can de-stress your life both personally and professionally.

  1. Focus on One Thing

As women, we are genetically hard-wired to multi-task. But this is a fatal flaw when it comes to procrastination, because there are always a million other tasks on the to-do list that demand our attention. The truth is that multi-tasking doesn’t really work. Focus all your attention on getting one thing done at a time, and crossing that one thing off the list before you tackle a new task.

  1. Break it Down

The old adage about the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time is absolutely true! Instead of getting overwhelmed by a large project, break it down into manageable sized action steps. Set mini-deadlines before the final deadline. If you’re writing a book, establish mini-deadlines for each chapter before the final manuscript is due at the publisher.

  1. Decide to Delegate

If there is a task that routinely stresses you out and causes you to procrastinate, like doing your taxes or cold calling prospects, it could be time to delegate those responsibilities to an accountant or business development person. Most people procrastinate when they’re called to perform a task that’s considered one of their weaknesses. Remember, your weakness is someone else’s strength.

  1. Find a Buddy

A good buddy or BFF has a million proven benefits, but one of the best is in creating accountability. Find that person who can hold your feet to the fire, keep you motivated and on track, and remind you of why your goals are important. This person can be a friend, a mentor, or a coach…accountability is a powerful tool in beating procrastination.

  1. Know Your “Why”

For some people, procrastination is the result of not understanding the bigger picture or the larger context and potential consequences. Simple tasks are easier to dismiss and put off until the last minute if you don’t know the “why”. Sending out invitations to the grandparents months in advance for your child’s high-school graduation is important so everyone can be together to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime happy event.

  1. Forget Perfection

For millions of women, procrastination is the result of a more serious affliction…perfectionism. It’s the endless overthinking, the constant tweaking, and the never-ending second-guessing that occurs when perfection is the goal. Do you re-read and agonize over every word in an email before you hit send? Do you need 100% of the requirements in a job description before you apply for a new position? Perfection is a myth…it doesn’t exist. Let it go!

  1. Reward Yourself

Whether it’s a major weight loss, getting a big promotion, or sending your taxes in on time, you need to celebrate and reward yourself. Regardless of the size of the goal or magnitude of the milestone, there needs to a happy ending or reward on the horizon to help prevent, or minimize, procrastination. Thinking about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or the rainbow after a tumultuous storm, is a positive way to plow through procrastination and get stuff done.

It’s unrealistic to think that you can completely eradicate procrastination from your life, but you can greatly reduce those moments when you struggle with paralyzing procrastination.

Those moments should be few and far between, not a daily occurrence. It is always in your best interest to operate from a position of power, and not one of panic and procrastination. Change your life today and do something that you have put off and procrastinated…then celebrate!! Even if it’s your taxes.

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